Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Monday 4.26.10... THE FINAL BLOG

This class has been very fulfilling for me, even if it was hard to grasp concepts at times. I will look at life and my surrounds in a whole new way now, relating everything back to literature and retellings. This class opened my eyes up to the world of literature and how it surrounds us in our every day lives.

Wednesday 4.21.10/Friday 4.23.10

The other groups presented these two days. The one that really stood out to me was the group that made the cookies out of elements of stories. I thought it was really clever. Plus, getting a cookie in the end didn't hurt either :)

Monday 4.19.10

We presented our group project today in class. It was a story about Cinderella from the Sister Uglies point of view. I think it went pretty well - we had a powerpoint background and props that added to the effect. And we had Garrett, who seems like he knows more about lit than all of combined.

Friday 4.16.10

Group projects are coming up..we're in the process of getting together and getting a presentation together. Group projects aren't my favorite thing to just seems like a lesson on what we were suppose to learn in elementary school - how to work together. N0t that I don't enjoy working with anyone in my group - you guys were awesome :) - but I just prefer to be an independent worker.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Wednesday 4.14.10

For my paper thesis, I'd like to discuss the occurrence of retelling in all forms, not just literature. You can find retold stories in paintings, music, sculptures..the possibilities are endless. I chose this as a thesis because I'm an art major and have seen many connections between art and literature and would like to discuss that in my paper.

Monday 4.12.10

Well my Graphic Design portfolio review is coming up in less than 10 days and its rather nerve racking. I'm planning on spending the next week and 1/2 staying up until 3 a.m. to get this thing done. Bring it on.

UPDATE: Sadly, I didn't make it into the program. I know there's a couple graphics majors in this class and my advice to you for next year is not to procrastinate. I didn't procrastinate as much as I usually do, but it still wasn't enough to get into the program. Hope I have better luck next year :(

Friday 4.9.10

Today we had the test, which didn't go that well for me again. I'm just not that strong of a test taker. When I have to take them, it seems like I always have mental blocks and forget the stupidest answers that I could answer any other time.

I think another reason I'm bad at test taking is because I rarely have to take them. Since I'm an art major, I rarely have to take tests. I think I've taken less than 4 this semester and I'm a full time student.