Friday, January 22, 2010

Class Two - 1.15.10

So I'm running a little behind on this blog thing - its a pretty new concept for me so I'm working on getting into the hang of it. I was really impressed that Prof. Sexson had all 40-some of our names memorized by the second day of class. In this class we discussed the piece "Where Are You Going, Where have you been?" by Joyce Carol Oates. I read this piece my senior year of high school but couldn't remember how it ended. After reading it again, I have mixed feelings about the ending. One one hand, I like how it ended because it left the rest of the story open to the interpretation of the reader. On the other hand, the sick, twisted side of me wanted to know what actually happened to Connie... where did he take her? Did he kill her? Regardless of my mixed feelings, in the end I think that Oates choose the best ending to the story.

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