Monday, March 1, 2010

Wednesday, Feb. 24

In class we were talking about archetypal female character. She's either the platonic ideal or the temptress. Sexson was asking the class (gearing the question to the boys) if anyone has had an infatuation to another person without the other person really knowing that the admirer even exists. I guess I don't understand why its suppose to always be that the boy is infatuated with the girl..I think it definitely goes the other way around...I'm saying this from personal experience.

In seventh grade, I had the biggest crush on a kid in my class..lets call him "Jimmy" because there are people in this class who I went to high school with. So my infatuation with "Jimmy" got a little boarder-line stalker...I would even watch "Jimmy" in the reflection of a compact mirror while he played basketball during lunch recess. I think he knew I existed...but I was never actually able to attain the boy...and based on my actions..I think it was better that way.

This has happened to me again in college. There was a boy in one of my major classes that I thought was the cat's pajamas. Well everyday during this class I would imagine what it would be like if me and said boy were a couple. Every time I'd see him, my heart would flutter a little. I doubt this kid knew much more than my first name.

What I'm trying to say is that girls put boys on a pedestal just as much as guys do it to us. I think that guys are just more verbal about it.

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