Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Monday 3.22.10

In class we discussed how we've become boring, not our literature. This was in response to some people in the class claiming that the Brother K is a "boring" book. I think for the most part, that we have become a boring, impatient society. It's not really our fault though. We've been raised to find a faster, easier method to everything. The exercise of reading was not pushed enough in schools when I was growing up. I hated reading when I was little and elementry school didn't do much to help change that. It wasn't until junior high that I decided I enjoyed reading. I don't think it was one particular book or anything, but I just realized that it was really relaxing and intellectually stimulating to sit down and enjoy a good book for a couple hours. Hopefully when I have kids, the joy of reading won't be completely lost in school.

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