Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Class 10 - 2.5.10

I found this piece by Henri Matisse on page 842. This piece stuck out to me because its unlike any other in the anthology. Its a modern piece created in the late 1940's. As far as I could find, all of the other works featured in our anthology are works done in the Renaissance or earlier. While pondering this, something hit me. Not only are storied always retellings of other storied, but works of art are always retellings and re-renderings of previous works. Some one has already rendered the same idea in some sort or articulation. If you wanted to be really abstract about it, you could also think of it like this: You have paint - but where did it come from? someone collected the pigments and binder, which each have their own story. Your brushes may have experienced other pieces, or they may be brand new. Essentially, everything is a retelling of something else.

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