Friday, February 19, 2010

Monday, 2.15 & Wednesday 2.17

So we read and discussed A Good Man Is Hard To Find. This story didn't bother me as much as it should have. For some reason I can see why the Misfit killed the family. He could see right through the entire family. They thought they were all innocent but in reality, they were insensitive (the kids were going to throw their garbage out the car window??) and two-faced - the grandmas always seemed in a sour mood and was preoccupied with material good like wearing her fancy clothes and regretting not marrying a financially successful man. She seemed rather racist as well, making unnecessary comments about people on the street. Then, at the end of her time, she pulls the "Jesus-card" to try to persuade the Misfit into not killing her...he saw right through her and killed her anyways.

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