Friday, February 19, 2010

Class 12/13 - 2.10/12.10

Since I was gone on Friday (I was on my way back to my home town for the long weekend..) I decided to combine these two posts. On Wednesday Sexson had us read A Good Man Is Hard To Find and The Lottery. After reading these two short stories, something hit me. I realized my senior year in high school I took a literature class and we have read a lot of the same short stories, including Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?, A Good Man Is Hard To Find, and The Lottery. I'm not sure if this is coincidental or if these are the basics taught in every into to lit class, but I thought it was cool. It's nice to have some background knowledge behind what you're re-reading. We went into great depths discussing these works in high school and I've definitely benefited from it in this class.

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