Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Friday, 2.19.10 & Monday, 2.22.10

The test went pretty well for the most part. For next time I think I need to focus on other peoples blogs more and ready every reading assignment completely...perhaps even twice.

On Monday, we discussed what it would be like to explain to a blind person what it's like to see. Sexson compared us to blind people in that we're blind to literature and he's the one who teaches us what its like. I thought that was a great analogy.

There are two kinds of blind - people who are born blind and people who become blind after being able to see part of their life. I was trying to think of what situation would be better and I decided that they both have their pros and cons. If you're born blind, you would have never experienced that sense and not have known what you're missing. But if you become blind, especially later in life, then you would have had a chance to experience sight and some of those images might be able to stay with you.

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